Echte Projekte, echte Erfahrungen, echte Ergebnisse
Wir sind in benachteiligten Gemeinden auf der Suche nach gemeinnützigen Projekten mit sportlichem Hintergrund und ehrgeizigen Konzepten. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob es sich um bereits etablierte Projekte, Projekte in der Startphase oder die zukunftsweisende Idee eines lokalen „Change Makers“ handelt. Mit diesen Projekten verbinden wir dich als ambitionierte Freiwillige oder ambitionierten Freiwilligen.
So hilfst du mit deinem sportlichen Wissen und Können, den lokalen Sport in einer Gemeinde weiterzuentwickeln.
Verlässliche und kontrollierbare Projekte
Wir stellen Projekte nicht nur vor, wir überprüfen sie auch. Wir stellen sicher, dass die Partner, mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten, vertrauenswürdig sind und unseren eigenen internen Richtlinien entsprechen.
Deshalb haben wir mit dem „Badge of Trust“ ein Verifizierungssystem geschaffen, das für größtmögliche Transparenz sorgt. Dazu gehören unter anderem das Kommunikationsverhalten, nachhaltige Maßnahmen und positive Erfahrungen anderer Freiwilliger.
Transparente und faire Preismodelle
Wir haben nichts zu verbergen. Als Freiwillige oder Freiwilliger im Sport zahlst du einen projektbezogenen Betrag, der nicht nur für die Projekte, sondern auch für unsere eigene Nachhaltigkeit unerlässlich ist. Diese Gebühr dient dazu, die Kosten für deinen Aufenthalt zu decken, Lebensmittel einzukaufen und zu kochen, Transporte zu bezahlen oder andere Dinge, die mit deinem Aufenthalt in der Gastfamilie und deiner Mitarbeit im Projekt vor Ort zu tun haben.
Wir sind stets bemüht, unsere Kosten transparent, fair und einfach zu halten. Die bei uns registrierten Projekte entscheiden selbst über Mindestanforderungen und verschiedene Projektoptionen und kalkulieren die Höhe der Kosten anhand der lokalen Gegebenheiten. Wir fügen eine zusätzliche Spende und unsere Vermittlungsgebühr hinzu.
So können wir faire und angemessene Preise für deine Freiwilligenarbeit anbieten und unsere Projektpartner organisatorisch weiterentwickeln. Dein Vorteil: Du siehst und erlebst direkt vor Ort, wohin dein Geld im Projekt deiner Wahl fließt und was du damit bewirken kannst.
Lies mehr in unserem Hilfe / FAQ Bereich „Wie hoch sind die Kosten für den Freiwilligendienst, was ist inbegriffen und was nicht?„
Win-Win für Freiwillige und Projekte
Unser Vermittlungsansatz basiert einerseits auf den Fähigkeiten und Talenten, die du als Sportcoachin oder Sportcoach mitbringst, andererseits auf den spezifischen Anforderungen der verschiedenen Projekte.
Diese Übereinstimmung zu finden, ist unser Ziel.
Die Projekte profitieren von hochmotivierten Freiwilligen und können Hilfe und Unterstützung in ihrem Sportbereich erwarten. Als Volontärin oder Volontär machst du authentische, reale Erfahrungen in Projekten, in denen du deine Fähigkeiten weitergeben kannst. Du siehst direkt, wo deine Expertise gebraucht wird und was deine Hilfe bewirken kann.
"I’m thankful for the nice, amazing and unforgettable experience."
A great team which gave me support in every situation. I’m thankful for the nice, amazing and unforgettable experience. The kids deserve to be trained in handball and they will show all their appreciation.
Project: "Learning in Reach Afterschool Programme" in Lavender Hill
"I enjoyed the twelve months a lot..."
As a volunteer in Manenberg at a primary school I spent one year in Cape Town staying with my host Family. In cooperation with a Mentor of “Arise” I developed a sports program which the students of the school could use daily. With setting the focus on handball specific trainings in close collaboration with “Play Handball” we managed to give many children the possibility to get regularly active. The priority of our program was to give the children the chance to get to know the feeling of a team. Thanks to the good cooperation between Arise and Play Handball we imparted many children to have fun during sports. I enjoyed the twelve months a lot, especially the fact that I got involved in the usual life of the area and the people so that I got to know an amazing culture.
Project: "Arise through Sport" in Manenberg
" time in South Africa really influenced myself in every aspect of life."
In my three month with Africa Jam I not only had the opportunity to see how children are given hope and joy in the midst of chaos but also how communities are brought together. But most importantly my time in South Africa really influenced myself in every aspect of life. Through Africa Jam I got the chance to find family and friends on the other side of the world who definitely changed my life forever!
Project: "Provide Hope, Unity & Community in the Lives of Youth" in Cape Town
"I was able to take away some great impressions!"
You are directly on site in the communities and are allowed to help shape the children and support them. During the time I was able to spend there, I really took the children, leaders and my host families to my heart, was able to gather new experiences and also grew beyond myself!
Project: "Provide Hope, Unity & Community in the Lives of Youth" in Cape Town
"The time for me as a coach in Stellenbosch was really great."
Besides a nice host family, where I felt really welcome, I worked a lot around the community. It was easy for me to get a connection to the people and a lot of them are still in my heart. It’s great to be a coach in stellenbosch because this place is really open for new experiences and activities, especially the kids love the sport. You are always welcome to join the school in other projects or even create some. You get to known other sports and a lot of people who appreciate to learn about handball. Stay open minded and bring a lot of ideas, then Stellenbosch is the right place for you. I really miss it.
Project: "Stellies Sporting Opportunities" in Stellenbosch
"My experience was amazing."
I had a very caring host family, which showed a lot of interest in me and wanted to share time with me. The school and the pupils were happy that I’ve been there and participated with lots of effort, what gave me even more motivation. I had enough time and possibilites to explore the beautful surroundings of Stellenbosch and went to Cape Town quite often, too. Stellenbosch for it’s own is relativly safe, you can walk around in the city and take the taxi-busses everywhere, which are cheap. Of course there are parts of the town, .e.g. Kayamandi, where you have to be careful. All in all it was a time I don’t want to miss and I would do it again everytime!
Project: "Stellies Sporting Opportunities" in Stellenbosch
"I really enjoyed my time there and gained a lot of experiences..."
I spend 3 months in Manenberg with PlayHandball & Arise. The community area around the School is welcoming and the host Family took very good care of me. The work with the Kids at School and after School Program was challenging and fun at the same time. With a good preparation how to make a Training within in the age groups you can achieve lot of progress in the Kids abilities and learnings in a short time. Furthermore, the connect to other volunteers from the organisation is organized from time to time. In addition, the teachers also supported me during my stay. In the free time on Weekends the City Centre of Cape Town is in easy reach, incl. the Airport if longer distances need to be covered. I really enjoyed my time there and gained a lot of experiences and found new Friends. Highly recommend it.
Project: “Arise through Sport” in Manenberg
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